Advance Notice New Interstate 30 Eastbound to Interstate 40 Eastbound Ramp Scheduled to Open in North Little Rock

Interstate 30 (I-30) eastbound traffic will use a new ramp to access Interstate 40 (I-40) eastbound in North Little Rock beginning Saturday morning, October 21.

Advance Notice

New Interstate 30 Eastbound to Interstate 40 Eastbound Ramp Scheduled to Open in North Little Rock

PULASKI COUNTY | October 11, 2023

Interstate 30 (I-30) eastbound traffic will use a new ramp to access Interstate 40 (I-40) eastbound in North Little Rock beginning Saturday morning, October 21.

Once the new ramp is open, I-30 eastbound traffic will enter I-40 eastbound using the left lanes. See exhibit map NR 23-336-A for further information.

Previously, I-30 eastbound traffic entered I-40 eastbound in the right lanes. This shift will eliminate weaving issues for through traffic on I-40, improve driver safety, and improve accessibility to US 67/167.

During the traffic switch to the new ramp, the existing I-30 eastbound to I-40 eastbound ramp will be closed at 10 p.m., Friday, October 20. I-30 eastbound traffic will detour to the Highway 107 exit to take JFK Boulevard and return to I-40 eastbound. See detour map NR 23-348-A for additional information.

Drivers should exercise caution when approaching and traveling through all work zones. A long-term and permanent travel impact interactive map is available at, along with additional project information.

NR 23-336-A

NR 23-348-A
What is the Connecting Arkansas Program?

What is the Connecting Arkansas Program?

Through a voter-approved constitutional amendment, the people of Arkansas passed a 10-year, half-cent sales tax to improve highway and infrastructure projects.

Which Projects Are Being Funded By This program?

Which Projects Are Being Funded By This program?

Thirty-one projects in 19 corridors across Arkansas are included in the CAP, which improves transportation connections to the four corners of Arkansas.

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